Emergency Lighting - Electrical Safety Testing

image8An emergency light is a battery-backed lighting device which comes on automatically when a building experiences a power outage. Emergency lights are standard in new commercial and high occupancy residential buildings, such as college dormitories. Most building codes require that they be installed in older buildings as well.

Emergency lighting is required in all premises where people are employed and it is a mandatory requirement to be installed where artificial lighting is installed.

Under ‘Fire Precaution (Workplace) Regulations 1999’ all employers, landlords or occupiers have a duty to carry out a risk assessment to ensure their premises and activities are able to facilitate safe escape in the event of an emergency.

The Emergency Lighting British Standard B.S 5266 defines the requirements for the correct installation of Emergency Lighting. Compliance with this standard ensures that your premises, meet the requirements of the Fire Precaution ( Workplace) Regulations.

B.S 5266 requires inspection and testing should be carried out at the following intervals:

  • Daily
  • Monthly
  • Six Monthly
  • Annually

image9Electrical Safety Testing Ltd offers a periodic inspection and test of your emergency lighting system as an essential part of this compliance with ‘Fire Precaution ( Workplace) Regulations 1999’. The inspection and test complies fully with B.S 5266 and will include the inspection and testing of all existing lighting and ensure that emergency lighting is situated in all the required areas.

Electrical Safety Testing Ltd is an independent electrical testing specialist, we do not undertake electrical installation contracts to avoid a conflict of interest.

Periodic Emergency Lighting Test Certificates are produced using software and are provided in a pdf format. In addition hard copy certificates can also be provided in a  professionally bound floder.

We generate a database of your emergency lighting and identify each fitting with a unique ID.

We record location, type of fitting, manufacture, lamp and where each fitting is tested from so that tracking the maintenance and repairs of the system is al on record as required by B.S 5266.

As an independent electrical testing specialist, we do not undertake electrical installation contracts to avoid a conflict of interest. This enables us to guarantee our clients are receiving a completely impartial and unbiased service.

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